born 1980 (Mantova, Italy)
I grew up on a farm in between horses, in a wild environment and for me, it’s very important to be surrounded by colour all the time. We often forget where colours originate from, especially within nature. When you observe nature, you see this truly amazing colour and you wonder how it’s possible to create such a strong colour. My biggest inspiration for me and my art was when I started to work with more geometric styles in my artwork. I more recently switched into circles (circle of life), because circles can represent different things. For me. I say they represent the core of life, where we come from and they represent connections. They represent coincidences life and the imperfections of life.
I do believe that colors are a natural source of harmony and happiness. My mission is make people using and spreading more colors in this world. I would like to see everyone listening their inner voice and feeling free to be creative, without being scared. People sometime tend to be afraid by using colors, because what in life makes you creative, it scares. I want them taking the courage to be them self. Believe in colors.
He’s an artist, entrepreneur, traveller and explorer inspired by waves. Throughout school he never paid attention in class and instead filled his notebooks with sketches which were inspired by what he saw beyond the classroom window. After various sojourns overseas for study and pleasure, he graduated with a degree in Science and Agricultural Technology and Interior Design, even though his genuine passion was and still remains with art, traveling, hospitality, eco design and surf.
“Ever since school I often found myself sketching abstract images with whatever I could get my hands on…”
His curiosity and desire to discover and observe diversity, took him on numerous travels in more than 40 countries.
Following his graduation and thanks to his extensive travels he began to think more frequently about striking colors, pushed by the idea that some of these could somehow instil exhilaration, light-heartedness, escapism and well-being…and with all these notions he decides to begin conveying all his concepts on canvas. And it is in this way his artistic journey began, completely instinctive where through his work he tries to express the imperfections of life utilizing colors as the ideological source of serenity and joy.
Luca also founded an Art Eco Design Farm Resort, Beatilla, completely designed and decorated with his art works and eco design furnitures, based on a up-recycle concept. He is joining various art performances with other artist from all over the world, to carry on his project to create limited edition art, where different cultures, emotions, feeling, get involved and mixed together on a same canvas, in that moment, happening just once.
2003 Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
2005 Catholic University of Piacenza, Milan, Italy
2011 IED, European Institute of Design, Milan, Italy
2012 Young Ethic Design, FuoriSalone del Mobile, Milan, Italy
2020 Accouter Design London UK
2020 Hotel Le Sereno St. Barth / Art Week
2020 Gazzetta di Mantova
2020 Le Journal of St Barth - Art Week 2020
2019 Gazzetta di Mantova (July)
2019 Gazzetta di Mantova (February)
2014 Stantec Global Company - USA - Eco Design Hospitality
2012 UpcycleDzine Blog - Holland - Salami Chair
2012 DDN - Design Diffusion Magazine - Salami Chair
2012 FuoriSalone Di Milano 2012 - BevisiblePlus